How can I cancel my order?
If you wish to cancel an order you have already placed, please contact us immediately using our contact form.
Under what conditions can you cancel the order?
Important: We can only cancel your order under the following conditions:
- You have ordered items with an extended delivery time (between 4 and 12 working days) and this delivery time has not yet expired.
- Cancellation of items that are marked as pre-orders and have a delivery date more than 12 working days in the future
- Contact us anyway, because if the goods have not yet been dispatched (which normally happens very quickly) we can stop the process and cancel the order, if the goods have already been dispatched no cancellation is possible.
In this case you can refuse to accept the package. The shipping company will then automatically return the order to our warehouse. We will then treat the order as a return and the amount already paid will be refunded to you after processing.